A Quick Digital Marketing Checklist (2021 Edition) [PART 2]

digital marketing services

Read the previous part: A Quick Digital Marketing Checklist (2021 Edition) [PART 1]

Content refreshes- Creating new content is just one part of content marketing. Another important part is refreshing your existing content on the website to make them more valuable and relevant. So, re-visit your website content (blog posts, landing pages) and optimize them.

Internal link building- So many people don’t understand the importance of internal link building. Are you one of them? Ensure all your internal pages on the website are linked to each other (in a more relevant way). Make it a habit to regularly go to your old pages and link them with the newer ones.

Third-person expertise- You don’t need digital marketing services Canada provider because you have an internal team that can take care of everything. GREAT! But still, there’s room for help. There’s only so much your internal team can do. It will inevitably hit a plateau in terms of ideas. This is where having a consultant by your side will help. Regularly consult a digital marketing expert; ask them questions, seek their help, have them audit your existing strategy, and listen to their recommendations.

Technical SEO- SEO is much more than just about content and link building. With Core Web Vitals so important now, you need to double-down on technical SEO. Hire a provider of digital marketing in Kolkata that has a strong SEO team and take their help in optimizing your website better on the technical side.

Of course, there’s a lot you can and should do… Many more points can be added to this checklist. Like, writing for Medium publications, creating unique content for Instagram Stories and Reels, improving website speed, retiring old blog posts that aren’t good, and so forth.

But the above-mentioned are important points that your digital marketing strategy should incorporate in 2021 to achieve better results.

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